Welcome to Our Little Shop

Stop in,  say HELLO...

shop, eat, chat about design…

We love all things,

Timeless. Fresh modern. Exclusive. & Beautiful.

Come see what’s new in our shop... What??? Shop??? Yes, you read that right, we opened  up a shop on Main Street right inside of  Love To Cook. 

 We are beyond thrilled to offer exclusive, timeless, beautiful products to our local friends. We are bringing you the best of the best. Exclusive items you won’t be able to find anywhere else. Our favorite home décor all in one little space. Everything from art, throws, pillows, baskets, custom furniture and so much more. We want to make it easier for you to find timeless  items for your home so you can spend more time focusing on the things that matter most. 

We believe “Home is the most important place on earth”

One Stop Shopping experience!

What’s so great about our space is that we are in the same building as  Love to Cook.  You can stop in and get everything you need for your home and kitchen. Bonus, when you're finished shopping you can walk over to the best Taco Truck in the valley. Seriously, so good. It’s a little dangerous to be surrounded by good food all the time. 


We are so thrilled in our new space, which is also our office. We are  in the office Monday -Thursday 9am-noon,  after that it’s by appointment only. We design timeless and cohesive homes with a fresh modern feel.  We offer design consultations, new build full service design and virtual design. Check out our “Services” for more details. We hope to see you soon!