Mother's Day: A Tradition to Help you Create a Sense of Home
It’s that wonderful time of year… where we spend one day celebrating Motherhood. To all the women who have helped us grow through their unconditional love and devotion. Who have carried us during a certain period of our lives in one way or another. Who have helped us feel more at home than anywhere else.
“It’s Tradition!”
“Home is a place filled with things we cherish and love. I loved walking to my Grandma’s house. She had a large lemon tree in the backyard. She would hand me a plastic grocery bag and we would spend the afternoon picking lemons. It’s funny, I don’t remember what she did with the lemons. We just loved spending the afternoon together in the warm California sun.” Says LPD Designer Amy Bohne
“The ordinary arts we practice everyday at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.”
Creating a Sense of Home
When a Mother is about to have her child she goes through a process called “nesting.” Mother’s begin to create a world within the walls of their home where they and their child will feel safe and loved. Mother’s create environments that engage our senses. Whether they do this intentionally or subconsciously, they do it!…and not just when they are having a baby but throughout Motherhood. As caretakers they want to nurture, protect and help grow happy, loved human beings. Mother’s create intentional, curated spaces for their little humans… or sometimes big humans who come back to the nest.
How did your mother (grandmother/caretaker) create a sense of home for you? What did you hear when you walked through the door? What did you see as you entered her home? What aroma’s greeted you in her kitchen? What were the textures you felt in her space? How did she nourish you?
This Mother’s day let’s celebrate our Mother’s by bringing items into our home that help remind us of our most cherished memories of her.
Cook a favorite meal your Mother/Grandmother loved to make for others, fill your home with smells that bring back positive memories of time spent with her, gather her favorite flowers, listen to her favorite music, hug and snuggle those you love, wrap up in a soft blanket, look at photo’s of her, share stories, call her, thank her and most importantly celebrate the important role of Mother.
This Mother’s Day our homes will feel more like home if you intentionally cook meals, display photos, play music, tell stories, etc. that celebrate her role as Mother. Even more beautiful than creating this moment for ourselves but we will set an example of how to truly celebrate a Mother to those we nourish in our homes.
Celebrate your connection to all the Mother’s in your life, recognize their efforts to help create a sense of home, a safe place for you while you’re here on this journey of life.
“Motherhood is a choice you make everyday to put someone else’s happiness and well-being ahead of your own, to teach hard lessons, to do the right thing even when you’re not sure what the right thing is,.. and to forgive yourself over and over again for doing everything wrong.”
Come shop, eat, celebrate Motherhood
& let’s chat about creating spaces that feel like home.
When: Saturday May 1st, 2021
Noon - 5 p.m.
Where: Liz Powell Design Shop/Studio 795 N Main St. Logan, UT
Find curated gifts for all the Mother’s in your life or treat yourself.
We have special guests coming too!
We can’t wait to see you this Saturday!