Meet the Designer behind Liz Powell Design


“I think home is the most important place on earth. I’m so glad you’re here!.”



Q&A with Liz:


“Let’s start at the very beginning. a very good place to start”

Julie Andrews

Q: Where were you born?
A: Ashland, Oregon (Southern Oregon Just a few miles from the California border) It's a mountain community. Very Artsy. Very green.

Q: Tell us about your childhood, what was the best part?
A: The best part of childhood? Wow, it sure seems simple and magical looking back. I was given lots of freedom to explore and be creative.

Q: How many siblings do you have and where do you fall in your family?
A: There are four of us. I have an older sister. I'm the oldest middle child, then a younger sister and  a younger brother.

Q: What’s your most embarrassing moment?
A: Let’s just say it was while visiting Korea and has to do with Asian toilets (AKA hole in the ground…) . I’m sure you want to know more… so embarrassing. I can’t believe I am going to share this. Okay, so we are at a nice restaurant in Korea, I politely excuse myself from the table, walk into the bathroom, where there are individual stalls, no toilet just a hole in the floor. The stall I chose had a broken latch, so I am not able to lock my door. No one was in the bathroom so I thought, I can just get this done before anyone comes in. So I hurry, and do my business. Once finished, I turn around to begin the process of pulling up my pants with my back and buttocks facing towards my broken stall door…here comes the embarrassing part, In comes my poor unassuming waitress and there she is greeted by my large American moon (aka my buttocks). My pants are down around my ankles and there I am in all my glory. She let out a sound and then graciously backs up while apologizing and I shout out “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay…” as if to comfort myself in this rather embarrassing and awkward moment that I will remember forever and I assume my waitress will never forget it as well.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents?
A: I’m pretty fabulous at cleaning and I can multitask with the best of them.

Q: Do you have kids?
A: Yep. Four. They range from 13-24 years old. Best of all I have a grand-baby who is 4 months and pretty much the best human alive.

Q: What has been the happiest time in your life?
A: I’ve sort of loved all the stages. I miss having little kiddos. But right now, with a grand-baby, awesome kiddos and a thriving business… Yeah, right now is pretty great.

Q: What brought you to Logan, Ut?
A: Icon. They recruited my husband. We had been in Kentucky (love and miss it so much) for 9 years. But we also  love being here. Mr. Powell did his undergraduate here at USU and our extended family is close so we love being here too!

Q: What are your favorite things to do in Logan? 
A: Hike, Tony Grove!!

Q: Why did you choose Interior Design as your profession?
A: My sister says it’s cause I'm bossy... Probably a bit of truth to that. I love HOME. I want others to love their home. We should be our best self in our home and like it or not, the way our environment looks and functions can have a real effect on how happy we are. Not to say you have to have a home that looks like a magazine but you should be comfortable there. It should work for you. You should feel comfortable inviting friends and family there.

Q: What advice would you give to new Clients?
A: Trust me and tell me what you really think. Designing someone's home is very personal to them and I want them to absolutely love it. They also hired me for a reason. I want them to be as open to my ideas as I am to theirs. 

Q: What do you do when you’re not designing?
A: Read, movies, take a nap.

Q: Where do you find inspiration?
A: Architecture! Old architecture! I’m a bit of a geek about it.

Q: 5 must haves in a home?
A: Mudroom, kitchen island, beautiful light fixtures, timeless materials, induction cooktop!

Q: Things you love about design?
A: I love that good functional and timeless design can really change someone's life. That sounds dramatic but creating a space that we truly feel ourselves in and functions in a way that makes our life easier is definitely life changing. I love that good design can make us more creative and feel inspired. 

“There is nothing I love more than helping my client create a timeless, cohesive home they’ll enjoy for a lifetime. I’ve designed homes for hundreds of clients and I understand how to help you get the home of your dreams, all while staying in your budget and enjoying the process.”

-Liz Powell

If you want to know more about Liz ask her in the comments below. Share if you have anything in common with Liz as well. We would love to hear from our readers.


With love, Liz Powell Design


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