The Perfect Christmas Mantle


How is your holiday decorating going?! I love getting to pull out my Christmas decor and make my home even more cozy.



One part of the home that i’ve found can sometimes be over-decorated is the mantle. There is a very thin line between decorated and cluttered when it comes to mantle decor. Today I'm going to share my three step fool proof formula for the perfect Christmas Mantle.



Pick an item to be your focal point. This can be a mirror, art piece, trio of vases, a nativity, or collection of nutcrackers (you get the picture). But select one item or group to be the center of your mantle design. Once you have this item selected you’ll be abel to branch out and decorate the rest of the table to your home and personal style.


Plan a color palette based on the focal point item you picked. If you missed our email last month with Christmas color palette ideas, you can check out this blog post. It lists some of my favorite combinations!


Some of my favorite ways to add dimension to a Christmas mantle are with candlesticks, mini trees, or photos from Christmasses past. Remember the rules of three when adding in extra elements! I also love using different textures/materials of items to make the mantle-scape cozier.


Once you have your color palette in mind, start gathering items that will complement your focal point. Add in additional elements are you see fit, but remember that sometimes less is more!

I also love the look of adding a firewood caddy or a blanket of baskets (safely) in front of the fireplace. It’s an extra element of dimension that makes your home look picture perfect. But if you have young kids I know that might not be the safest best, so use your best judgement when it comes to placing decor on the floor.


Hang your stockings! Growing up I knew some people whose families didn’t hang stockings until Christmas eve, but I’ve grown really fond of hanging up my stockings the day I set up the rest of my Christmas decor. I think it’s such a fun visual and it gets me (and my kids!) excited for the holiday.

While I do think it looks best if your stockings match the color palette you picked, I do have a soft spot in my heart for mismatched or homemade stockings. There is something so beautiful about an item a loved one spent time on hanging above your fireplace all season long! So like just about everything I share, these “rules” are just a guide to help you get the home of your dreams!


With love, Liz


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