How to Find Your Style: Find the Common Denominators


I’m not sure what my style is? But I know what I don’t like….

We hear this all the time.



We are here to help you solve this mystery so you can make confident decisions when it comes to creating your home. 

At Liz Powell Design, we like to create timeless homes that never go out of style. We would love to share our process in helping our clients find their style. 

If you’re about to build a new home or you're looking to redo some of the spaces within your existing home it is helpful to know what you like, not just what you don’t. Spending a little time clarifying what it is you do like can really make a huge difference. Whether you are working with an Interior Designer or trying to make all these decisions by yourself. 


“Decorating golden rule: Live with what you love.”


With that said…Let’s get started

Grab a paper and pen: Write down each space in your home that you are designing and answer the following two questions for each room. 

#1 - What is the function of the space? (How do you use the space, or how would you like to use the space)
#2- How do you want to feel in that space? 

Great Work! Now it’s time to gather inspirational photos.
Find 15-20 photos of spaces that serve a similar function to the spaces you are designing. We suggest creating a board on Pinterest. Pinterest is a wonderful tool to gather ideas for your home. You can also do a google search to find inspirational images and download them to your desktop.

Find images that make you take a deep inhale in, and make your eyes get ‘Disney Princess’ big. Save those images. Even if these are aspirational and maybe not fully attainable. It can still help you find your style.

Remember, your style is you, so it doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s. You want to create your habitat, a place where you can live every day.

These images create a feeling within you. Maybe it’s excitement, curiosity, calmness, security, nostalgia,  passion etc., you're drawn to these images because they make you feel something that you want to feel in your life.

Once you have your images selected, take a careful look at what they all have in common. What are the common denominators? Find at least 3 elements that stand out. White walls? Modern matte-black finishes? Industrial lighting? Fun pops of color? Bright sun filled rooms? 

Write down your common denominators: They can help you create that feeling you get from the photo for your home. We use materials, colors, textures, and lighting to create a feeling. When designing we start with function then we think about the feeling we want to create.

Finding your style will give you the clarity and confidence you need.

Please leave a comment below if you need more help finding your style check our Instagram stories for more helpful advice. You got this, happy designing!


With love, Liz


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