Six Ways Using an Architecture-First Designer Makes Building a Home Easier


When you’re searching for an interior designer to hire for your new home build project, you’re faced with a lot of options. We might be a little biased, obviously, but we highly recommend you look for a full-service team that uses an architecture-first approach to the home design.



Architecture-first planning in design means that we’re with you from the very beginning of the project, helping you understand how your unique style impacts every step of the design. We want you to love your new home for a lifetime to come, and part of that is making sure your timeless, classic home reflects the story of you and your family all the way down to its bones.


Here are just a few ways working with an architecture-first firm (like ours!) will make your project an absolute breeze:

1 | Determining the style at the onset of the project means a foundation of clarity.

When you start the project by determining the architectural style of the home first, that allows you to have some groundwork to build off of as you’re making other choices and decisions for your new home. You can ask yourself how each new idea plays or interacts with the overall style of the home, and it gives your new build some structure and precision.

2 | Everyone gets on the same page.

The architecture of your home influences nearly every subsequent aspect and vendor working on your home, meaning that by establishing the architectural style early, you can get everyone on the same page, understanding your vision, from the get-go.

3 | You get a more unique home.

A custom home should be unique and different, best suited for the family living in them, not cookie-cutter projects built from a pre-determined process. Any vendor looking to do the same work over and over is not the best one suited to your custom home build, so by weeding them out by starting with a custom floor plan and architectural style, you’re sure to be more satisfied with a home that best reflects your unique personality.


4 | The home flows better.

As we mentioned, the architecture has an impact on subsequent steps in the home build process, including space planning, traffic flow, functionality, and comfort — all top priorities which get brought to your focus and attention when you’re starting your home design with determining your architectural style.

5 | It’s easier to incorporate modern aspects into a timeless design.

Technology rules most homes (TVs, home security systems, energy efficient appliances, solar panels, etc) but the unsightly presence of cords and wires can ruin a home’s overall aesthetic. When you use an architecture-focused design firm like ours, you’re able to plan ahead to make sure these modern conveniences are incorporated into the design without ruining the timeless style.


Architecture-led home design relieves many headaches and brings clarity to the project.


6 | Your success and satisfaction skyrockets.

As we’ve mentioned, the projects just run easier when you start with the architecture, which is why our team works alongside the contractors and architects building your floor plan. Bringing us into the project earlier ensures your personal style won’t be misinterpreted or misrepresented, and nothing gets lost in communication because we’re making sure everyone is on the same page at each atage.

You’re going to love your finished home when you start with establishing your architectural style, and we can’t wait to help you do just that.



With love, Liz


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Liz Powell