A Unique Approach to Identifying Your Personal Home Design Style


Let’s approach identifying your home style in a slightly unique way!



Have you ever walked into a home and thought to yourself “I could totally guess who lived here just from the way it reflects the family and their story?” It’s a magical experience when you realize the significance your home plays in representing you and your family. Homes that are functional for a specific family, match their aesthetic and convey their story properly are our ultimate goal when we set out to help clients design their dream home.

The first step of any project is to help clients understand their architectural design style and aesthetics they want to incorporate into their home. Most of the time, we’re talking about official design styles like transitional, european, mid-century modern, etc., but sometimes it’s hard to identify which aspects you’re most drawn to.


Today, we wanted to share a quick discussion on four home design concepts that can allow you to better understand how you identify and enhance a home’s style, apart from any official labels of unique styles. Let’s dive in!


Every line in your home communicates an aspect of its story, from the time-softened baseboards to the peaked arches at the end of hallways, to the precise angles of your dining table. Contemplate how you want the lines of your architecture, furniture, and decor to interact. Do you want the width and shapes to be consistent? Would you like the texture to contrast? When you are purposeful about the lines in your home, it develops a style that is uniquely and beautifully you.



Light can transform the atmosphere of your home. Perhaps floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room could create a sense of energy and openness. Or maybe the soft glow of table lamps would make a reading room feel cozy and warm. Take a moment to contemplate the intensity, direction, and supply of light that you want throughout your home. By mapping how light will inhabit your home, you are setting it up to be best inhabited by you.


Think about if you were revamping your wardrobe – –of course, your favorite tops and skirts can provide a base to work with and can be a reminder of what is most comfortable to you. But when revamping your personal fashion, you don’t just shop in your closet. You take note of styles you admire, search social media for striking combinations, and don’t hesitate to try on different sizes in the store. Building your home’s style is much the same way. By exploring home elements together, we discover classic, one-of-a-kind design features that set your home apart from any other.


“Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home.” — Matsuo Bashō, Japanese poet


Keep an open mind

You may feel limited in design choices by the style of home you have had in the past or even by your one-of-a-kind furniture collection. Keep your mind open to new ways to arrange or complement pre-existing elements. And be at ease that we are a full-service team, committed to letting your home represent your story in an authentic way, both where you have been and where you are going. When we work together with open minds, we discover timeless, elegant representations of your home’s story.

Your home design process will feel like a journey and you’ll evolve along the way, but by understanding the basics and how you lean on foundational pieces like the way pieces interact in each space and how much light you want in your home, it will help us finalize the overall style, leading to clarity all along the way in subsequent phases of the project.



With love, Liz


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Liz Powell